Andrew’s Story

By March 3, 2021 Uncategorized No Comments

Please consider donating to Small Victories Foundation to support survivors like Andrew Green, who wanted to share his story:

“The experiences I have had thanks to Small Victories have been instrumental in maintaining and improving my quality of life since I was discharged from Rehab Without Walls. I loved how seamless the process was to find an instructor for my voice lessons. The fact that I’m able to still engage regularly with the arts has been wonderful.

I was an arts professional prior to my brain injury and I definitely felt a little left out of a major part of my life not being able to engage and collaborate with my old colleagues, many of whom are close enough to be practically family. Having the opportunity to engage the musical part of my brain has done wonders to return me to a feeling of stasis after the chaos of attempting to relearn how to “function” with this level of mobility and cognition.

Even though I don’t have as much talent or passion for singing as I did for Violin playing, being able to use the knowledge I gathered in my decades as a musician is immeasurably beneficial, especially now that we’re all trapped at home sheltering ourselves from coronavirus. Having a weekly appointment to get out of the house to go make music is the best therapy I can imagine and I am supremely grateful to Small Victories for giving me this opportunity. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do for your wonderful organization and thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything.”

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